jp missions
JP Missions |
jp missions
JP Missions |
jp missions
JP Missions |
All things are from, through and to God. Bible says each seed produces its own plants likewise what kind of seed you saw it will produce a tree and fruit for you. So that please, saw your finance and ability in the land of India through JP Missions. We will be faithful to God and thankful to you.
Denomination, caste or creed is not a barrior to participate with Jesus People's Missions.
Through prayer
By your physical presence
Providing finance and materials required
Present financial needs - Monthly Base |
Monthly rent | 20000 IRS |
Food (Mannah)/ Month | 15000 IRS |
Missionary support/month | 20000 IRS |
Out reach program | 20000 IRS |
Other Expenses | 15000 IRS |
Total | 90000 Iindian rupees/ 2000 US $ |
You can participate by providing our financial needs... Any small or big amount will be a great help for this indigenes, interial ministry of JP Missions.
Holy Bible Says:
" Remember this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously; Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compelsion for God loves a cheerful giver"
Send your donations to
Account No. SBI (State Bank of India) Adimaly branch India - 3004 113 4658. IFSC SBIN 000 8588 |