A Christian monthly News paper published by JPM with a circulation of 10,000 No. We consider print media is a printed missionary. if a man is not haven't time to listen the Gospel. If it a printed media, it will wait for his time. Then it can communicate. So the impact of print media is very much. For true message even now, people depending newspaper. TVnews and programs are only blinking before the audiance. But the paper will lomg last. JP Mission understood the secret. Because of that we are publishing two newpapers.
People's mission dealing with public issues
Mannah deals with spiritual matters.
Mannah as PDF (You can download from here)
Botha are registered newspaper in India. We are having all around 50000 readers from all the releam of life.
To get the paper
The Editor
Mannah, Jesus People's Mission
Kambilikandam P.O, Idukki Dist,
Kerala, India - 685 561.